
1 hour great anger = works overtime for 6 hours?

1 hour great anger = works overtime for 6 hours?

Will cause the stomach and intestines creeping motion and the digesting fluid secretion despondently receives suppresses, therefore, long-term melancholy will cause the stomach and intestines system's disease.  

 The scientific experiment confirmed that when the human is optimistically happy, the human body makes in the blood through the biochemistry process to increase is advantageous to the health chemical substance, like the hormone, the enzyme and the acetylcholin and so on, cause the human body to be at the good functional condition. But when person's mood has the fluctuation, to produce the passive sad emotion surpasses the normal physiological limit, will create physiological function being out of balance, causes disease's occurrence.   

The medical expert acts according to the massive cases to analyze the proof, the passive bad mood will cause the psychology to be contradictory, creates psychological and the physical strength excessive consumption, will cause the immunity ability to drop, will thus cause each kind of disease even cancer to occur. In the spirit will be at the melancholy condition to cause the stomach and intestines system's disease for a long time, because the mood despondent will cause the stomach and intestines creeping motion and the digesting fluid secretion receives suppresses. To be specific, 1 hour great anger creates the physical strength and the spiritual consumption, is equal in works overtime 6 hour above consumption.